Just when I decided to live a quiet life, I crossed upon a beautiful word “hygge.”

I never thought that being busy consumed my whole self to the point where I was totally distracted by the noise surrounding me.  There are endless list of demands pulling me in different directions; away from the people that truly matter.  I blamed my pregnancy hormones for it, but I came to realize I was yearning for more - more time for my family and myself.  

“HYGGE” (read as Hoo-Gaah) can be envisioned differently.  I envisioned it to LIVE by the moment.  To leave my mobile phone aside and play with my daughter.  To focus on what I have rather than searching for those which I don’t.  To pray silently.  To drink a hot cup of tea while staring at my plants.  To think of beautiful thoughts.  To be thankful for everyday blessings of waking up; being healthy; having a supportive husband; an eldest son whom I can talk to like a friend; and another small one coming along the way.  The lists don’t stop here, it goes on each day….

This could mean less distraction, less people, less clutter; and most importantly less noise.

Perhaps I am getting older, but I am loving it.   Believe me, I was more “ME.”

So, I asked my husband if I could do my pregnancy shoot where I can be with nature, to feel the ground on my feet, and truly enjoy God’s blessings.

After all, I know I am determined to choose my distractions – a healthy distraction that adds value to life itself.  

My life is not perfect at all, but I am trying to seek inspiration in everything that I do with hope and positive feelings. 





M xo


This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my thoughts may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future.


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