I said "YES" in Osaka, Japan.

As they said you'll get "lost in translation in Japan," I was lost for a moment.  I was lost for words and never even imagined that Osaka, Japan will be a memorable trip for me.

In the morning of Friday the 13th May 2016, I was getting ready for a stroll to a high rise Umeda Sky Building.  I never would have imagined that my life would change in just one magical question.

I noticed Riggi keeps on changing his mind whether to go on top of Umeda Sky Building or to go to the HEP five ferris wheel as we were both so scared of the height.  Little did I know he was weighing on where to make his plans come true.  He then decided for Umeda Sky Building as he saw a poster mentioning about the lovely wedding which was held on top.  It was his sign, I guess. 

Sure, getting on one knee while holding a ring box sort of says it all.  BUT this is not always the case. Why Friday the 13th?  Funny as it seems but my boyfriend being his usual postive self said that it is just a number.  He was actually planning to ask me the day before while we were in Kyoto but He just couldn't find the right timing.  Luck as we can see it, our room was on the 13th floor; and my fortune-love reading in Japan was number 13; our baggage claim when we arrived in Dubai was also carrousel 13 and I got engaged on the 13th day of May.

I got a proposal on a high rise skyline with a 360 degrees view of Osaka, Japan at exactly 12 noon.  Isn't it lovely?  I was speechless.  It is true that you don't know what to say nor you don't know how to feel and you don't know what to do.  I forgot to say Yes.     We couldn't even figure out whether to put the ring on the left side or the right side.  I did not cry as I was perplexed at the moment.  I only felt Riggi's sincerity when he popped the question:  "Darling, will you be my darling forever?"  We were so happy hugging each other.

Happy "US" surrounding the lovelocks.

Actual location of THE Proposal.
Panoramic view of THE Proposal.

It did not sink in right away and I keep on remembering the moment when it happened. I keep on asking him questions, stupid questions:

Why are you not down on your knees?  I was so shy.

Why now?  It is the right time. 

Are you sure about this?  Yes I am.  I am good in finding directions and my directions lead me to you.

When did you buy the ring?  Secret.

Did you ask for a discount when you bought the ring?  Yes, Ofcourse.

Does anyone knew about this?  Yes, my Papa.

Why here in Japan?  Because you love Japan.

Ahahahaha....  Those were my questions and his answers. 

O-mikuji are random fortunes written on strips of paper which happened to be good luck or bad  luck. Luckily, we got our fortune tell in the same building since we did not get it in Kyoto as they don't have an English translation.  Both our fortune tell were positive.  

Where we had our Fortune tell.
Top (13): My Fortune tell and Below (42): Riggi's fortune tell
Above photo shows our fortune tell about LOVE/MARRIAGE and mine shows FAVORABLE and Riggi shows IF YOU RENEW YOUR SPIRIT, THINGS GO WELL.  I guess he already renewed his spirit when he decided to buy the ring.

Amazing as it was, there was lovelocks around the roof deck and Riggi had no clue about it too.  It was indeed the perfect place for him to do the proposal.

First kiss as an engaged couple.

We were hand in hand as we were trying to feel the moment.  Bought our first lunch as engaged couple from a small grocery store (Family Mart) and ate on a stone bench on the side-street.  It was the simplest engagement lunch but the sweetest.  This is how we are together.

Engaged "US"

Proposal date
Me and my Fiancé
I want to remember this day as it is not only about THE Proposal.  It is about strengthening our bond together.  I was in a quandary with my past issues and Riggi was there and never left my side.  There were times when I just asked him to better leave me than suffer for the rest of his life.  Those times when everything was so impossible.  I was feeling hopeless and helpless.  Riggi was so positive and keeps on reminding me to believe and have faith.

It was a whirlwind and funny proposal but this is my favorite because this one is OUR love story.

"Yes," was my answer because I knew this is it.  That feeling when you can't even describe.  He had accepted my son, Sabriel.  I had prayed for this.  God gave me Riggi.

Wrong hand to put on the ring.
This is indeed our right time.

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19


M xo



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


  1. Wow. Congrats. What a cute love story. I love it. Hugs from here. Irene

  2. I dont usually read blogs but yours intrigued me. Thats a beautiful proposal. Congratulations again! - jennifee

    1. Thanks a lot for spending some of your time on reading our simple proposal. take care and God Bless you.

  3. I dont usually read blogs but yours intrigued me. Thats a beautiful proposal. Congratulations again! - jennifee

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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