
Showing posts from September 11, 2013

Invaded Italy: Rome and The Vatican

I have to put an end to several months of emotional turmoil not to mention the stress out of it was uncontrollable.  A plan was made to go to Italy and first thing we had to do was the Schengen visa.  After all the detailed passing of requirements and waiting for the result - My boyfriend and I passed and got our visa just in time when I needed a time to heal. Rome is referred as "The Eternal City" and it’s history spans a thousand years ago. Rome reflects the history of man's endeavors.  From Rome's ancient ruins dating back to Imperial times, to her modern day galleries, everywhere there is evidence of unchanged structures. There is something unique about Rome – it is timeless.  No city in the world reflects the history of man's endeavors quite as much as Rome. Walk any street, and you will find a statue, a fountain, or a piazza.  This is the essence of being Eternal - it means walking in a side street so small and detecting the life and spi