
Showing posts from December 3, 2018

Seoul, Korea with a seven-month old baby.

Life after having a baby dramatically changed but this didn’t stop me from planning on to our next destination.   This is my second trip to Seoul but this time it is different, I am with my family.   The husband was on second thoughts as he was scared to travel with a seven-month-old baby.   I understand his concerns but I totally don’t want to halt my love to see the world.   In fact, I trust my baby and I know she will be perfectly fine.   My belief is that parenting is hard no matter what age and no matter where you are in the world, so you might as well fill up the moments in between with meaningful memories. My Family. Heaven was fast asleep during boarding time and woke up on the last hour before arrival time (08 hours and 20 minutes flight).   I admit I was secretly praying the whole time. when we arrived at Incheon. Heaven's first train ride Who wouldn’t love to see South Korea when you are in love with KDrama?