or blue. A blessing from Heaven.

This is the most exhilarating post I’ve written so far, as today’s content is all about the baby in my tummy who is expected to arrive on April 2018.  Riggi and I are truly humbled by God’s continuous blessing.

And just like that, we are pregnant!! 

I had my first-born child 11 years ago; it’s been a while but mother’s instinct made me realize I am pregnant.  Early July I was feeling dizzy and sore.  I blamed it again on my hypotension but as the days passed by I knew it was something else.  I tried my best not to feel excited until I have the confirmation in front of me.  I did the home pregnancy test and it was positive.  I hid the result from Riggi as I had planned to reveal it to him as a surprise on his birthday by August.  Well, it did not turn out that way.  I just had to inform him because I need an ObGyn as soon as possible and I need Riggi’s help.

We were having our normal dinner one Monday evening in July and I popped-up the good news to Riggi.  He was shivering.  I know he was excited as he started searching about pregnancy on the net. 

Many of my friends had asked me what was Sabriel’s (my first born) reaction.  Kid’s nowadays has a different way of sorting things out, he was skeptical and asked me for proofs.  He thought I was doing some pranks with him.  Sabe, why would Mom play some pranks over being pregnant?  I was smiling.  He knows how much I love him and he wants a baby brother.

We decided to wait for the first trimester to pass until we announce.  So here I am on my 14th week of pregnancy.  I humbly apologize to those who had asked me before; I was just too scared to reveal it before the end of my 12 weeks.

Pregnancy is a lot of things.  It is a miracle.  How exciting it is to know that there is a baby inside you developing on its own.  A gift of God indeed.  To carry that life within you for another nine months; to nurture; to take care of and to feel it grow.  How incredible?  But that’s not all it is, being pregnant plays havoc with hormones, demanding up crazy cravings and sudden hatred of previously favored foods.  It is dramatic as strange things happen within you.  Things no one warns you about.  I had a lot of tests too (one of the so many differences 11 years ago with my first) and that means a lot of injections and I totally hate needles. 

During my first trimester, I was extremely exhausted.  I didn’t had morning sickness but I had night sickness.  When the sun sets, nausea would instantaneously kick in.  Being nauseated is the worst feeling I had encountered.  It was particularly a difficult time not having Mama right here beside me.  The pregnancy symptoms continued with too many issues to even name it.  Riggi was in full force; he was my right hand from running an errand to household chores to cooking this and that whatever my hunger screams.  I just couldn’t do anything.

On my 9th week of pregnancy, a terror came to us when I found out I was bleeding.  I was working at that time and I didn’t know what to do but to cry and call Riggi for help.  I desperately wanted to teleport directly to the hospital and I was longing to hear our baby’s heart beat.  The baby was thankfully fine but the placenta was slightly detached from the uterus.  How was that?  I don’t understand what was going on.  I had a threatened abortion.  The Ob was of course showing her calmness all the time.  I know something doesn’t seem right for her to ask me to rest for a week and stay at home.  I did as what she said and I even declared a bed arrest for full 10days.  Fast forward we came back for a follow up check with my Ob and God answered our prayers.  The baby is fine and naughty as he or she keeps on moving during the ultrasound check.  The Ob said that the placenta abruption was way way better than last week so I was given a “go” signal to go back to work but to be careful and observe my condition during work schedule.

I couldn’t have done it without my friends in Dubai who showed a lot of help.  To our friends and family in Cebu for the moral and spiritual support.  To Riggi’s brother and to my ObGyn friend from Thailand who keeps on answering our unending queries.  To everyone who keeps on giving me strength and who keeps on praying for us, you guys know who you are.  Riggi and I couldn’t thank you enough.  We are truly blessed to have family and friends like you.

How is it possible to fall in love with someone you haven’t met yet before?  God moved me a lot these days.  A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside, when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the first time during an ultrasound and a playful kick reminds her that she is not alone.  I was so young then eleven years ago but now maturity made me understand the real core of being pregnant. 

Our Teeny Tiny, You have no idea how much we love you.  We would love to see you so soon.  So, hang on in there okay.  You’ve been so hyper during night time and giving Mommy so many symptoms and experiences that I haven’t experienced with your big brother.  I may be crying and complaining every night but you had no idea how my heart leaps every time I feel you moving.  I always pray to keep us both healthy.  We will go through this and you will be able to see Mom and Dad soon.  Your Daddy and I will figure out about this new chapter in our lives with you, to give you a life you truly deserve.  No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you.  After all, you’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.  Love, Mom.

Something new is sprouting in the Ybañez-Neis’s farm.


M xo


This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future.


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