"What's One More?"

Pregnancy is supposed to be full of anticipation and excitement but for expectant mothers facing the outbreak of covid-19, fear and anxiety are clouding this otherwise happy time.

Someday I’ll tell my son….
that he was conceived right before a pandemic was declared in the whole world.
how your Dada, Kuya Marwin and Ate Rizza was speechless that night when I told them that I am pregnant.
how scared and nervous Mommy was in this untenable circumstances. 
how the Doctor would look at Mommy with those kind eyes, but half-face all covered in a mask.
how Mommy was suffering from nausea on the first trimester; and how Mommy was holding on. 
that Mommy had to hide under the sheets as Mommy felt like vomiting when she sees the sunrays nor smell anything unlikely. 
how hot Mommy’s skin felt even with 18 degrees Celsius temperature in the room. 
how Daddy was cooking and sending every meal in the bedroom.
how Mommy craved numerous Cebu dish but is unavailable in Dubai.
how Mommy misses Papa’s cooking and Mama’s TLC.
that Mommy eats three times more than her usual; and that Mommy thinks that you will have the same appetite like your Dada.
how Mommy had managed to go to work despite the danger of contracting the virus. 
how it was to fight with every security in the office for Mommy was scared to pass through the chemical sprayed tunnel. 
how other people were looking compassionately at Mommy with a big tummy; yet still working amidst the surrounding harm.
that his big brother wishes Him to be a boy; and that his big sister is clueless about what’s going on (but is sometimes calls him Bebe from Mommy’s tummy).
how the weeks passed by so slow yet real fast at the same time.


              Mommy is sad.  Mommy misses Kuya Sabe; Papa and Mama.
          Today, Mommy doesn’t have any idea what the future holds; BUT Mommy believes that today is not forever.  Things can get better soon, in God’s will.

My youngest boy, 

Mommy knew from the very first day that she is carrying you and that you are a boy.  Mommy smiled thinking that she will have another “Mommy’s boy like his Kuya.”  Mommy was all scared; but this was never because of you.  Mommy wants you to know that you are a blessing to all of us. 
Mommy would love to picture one day when she is sitting beside you and telling you these stories. 
You may not know and you will not remember anything but Mommy knows deep in her heart that you will realize how much you are loved.

Love Always,
Mommy xo

Enjoy my pregnancy announcement/gender reveal video:


This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future.


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