Tokyo Japan is L O V E!

Traveling for me is a way of life.  I have this ache to be away from stress and what more could I ask for but to see the world.

This time it's TOKYO, JAPAN and I fell in LOVE the moment I touched the ground.
I haven't seen such place as indescribable as Japan.  It is so clean that you will feel embarrass if you throw a single candy wrapper on the road.  They don't have a garbage can on the streets at all and what really surprised me is the use of a bidet toilet seat (toilet seat with a washing feature).  People who are close to me know a certain fact that I am so choosy with toilets.  Japan is an exemption because toilets are really clean.  The toilet lid opens automatically and by pressing a button, a nozzle will come out and will wash you too.  

Japan is a mixture of old fashion where you will still see people who are wearing their traditional kimonos while some are into their high fashion sense.  A fascinating remnant of old-style Japanese architecture in a middle of modernized buildings. 

Above: Sensoji Temple and Below: Shibuya crossing

Sensoji temple is Tokyo’s oldest and most visited Temple

Shibuya crossing is the scramble crossing which is rumored to be the world’s busiest intersection.
Shibuya crossing
I found someone who loves to travel like I do.  We actually have duties and responsibilities weeks before our travel.  Once visa, tickets and leaves are approved then we started our work.  I am assigned for the itinerary while boyfie is basically assigned for the locations, how to go there, what to ride and the maps.  We collate everything and once done then we do our planning.

Above: barrels of sake and wine

Once in Japan, never miss out Hachiko's statue It is a prominent landmark in Shibuya.  An Akita dog who is remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner which continued for so many years even after his owner’s death. 

Godzilla is quite famous too especially in Shinjuku area wherein they had installed a large head of Godzilla on top of Hotel Gracery as an additional attraction.

Boyfie is a fan of Onitsuka Tiger shoes so we had searched all the way from Omotesando entry way down to its alleyways just to locate the biggest shop we have seen for Onitsuka.  Omotesando is a wide tree lined avenue in Harajuku famous for it's shopping and leads  to Meiji Jingu shrine.  

An area for gadget lovers is Tokyo's electric town which is called Akihabara (Akiba for short) houses thousands of shops selling every technological gadget you can imagine.

 Tokyo caters so many game arcades all around Shinjuku area.

Sensoji Temple and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

I was able to have my fortune told at Sensoji temple for 100Yen and luckily I had the best fortune so I kept it and it has been told that whenever you get a bad fortune, tie the paper on a nearby pole or rack to make sure the bad fortune doesn’t follow you back home.
Uniqlo at Ginza
Ginza is a popular upscale shopping area of Tokyo and is recognized by many as one of the most luxurious shopping districts in the world.

Uniqlo in Japan is everywhere but the largest flagship store worldwide is found in Ginza with 12floors and a tax free shopping for foreign passport holders (when spending more than 10,001 Yen / 82USD).  I've been hearing this Uniqlo shop from everyone and I guess they are right, it is indeed a MUST when in Japan.  

I found the biggest Comme Des Garçons play shop and I was astonished on how people are religiously buying (not even fitting it as it is not allowed).  It goes sold out in just half day.  Comme des Garçons, French for "like boys" is a Japanese fashion label with a heart shape famous design. 
Meiji Shrine
Meiji shrine is a Shinto shrine (Japanese ancient original religion) dedicated to the Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken.  I was glad I had made my wishes to the shrine and got with me some lucky charms.

Exploring food while traveling is another thing and I can't deny I had fun of all the varieties of Japanese cuisine.  I enjoyed 7/11 and Family mart too for a cheap choices of food and snacks.  You can even buy shushi which tastes so good for a very cheap price.  You can also buy just about anything from vending machines and they are available all the time everywhere. 

Tokyo Skytree


I may have so many ups and downs in life (well, who doesn't?) but the best part is to go on with this journey and embrace it all.  As I said traveling is my way of life.  Wherever I go, the places and cultures became a part of me somehow.  I do realized that I will never be content and that I will always be haunted by thoughts of seeing the world.

I would probably visit Japan again.  

"Not all who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkein from The Fellowship of the ring

I hope you will enjoy our Tokyo, Japan video edited by the boyfriend himself.


M xo



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


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