Sweet Brussels, Belgium

When I was young I used to dream of seeing the world and little did I know that my destiny would bring me to travel it for free.

Travel - this is a part of me where I get so excited aside form seeing my son and my family.  Let me begin with Brussels, Belgium.

I always make sure to lit a candle and say my prayer wish to God whenever I visit one of his beautiful creation. No matter how much I smile on cam, there is this battle going on inside me that only God knows how and when it will end.  He is so great for He always know what I really need because the moment I came out from the subway, I saw this very beautiful Cathedral situated in Treurenberg hill.  The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula.

I had a small talk with one of the Church Sacristan and he informed me that our President PNoy was here like 2 or 3 weeks before I came. 

St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral

Taxi is a NO NO when traveling Europe, it will cost me a fortune so the best and easiest most comfortable way is through a subway metro.  You need to have a pre-plan and knowledge about the best sightseeings and the nearest subways.

Eating - is one of my past time hobby aside from reading.  Waffle is the first thing that pops out in my mind when hearing about Belgium.  So, let me give it a try.  The waffle was introduced by Maurice Vermersch of Brussels, Belgium and was named the Bel-Gem waffle.  There is no other tastiest waffle I had tasted than on the streets of Brussels.  It suffers to be perfectly tasty.  Haha!!  Suffer as it is too much of sugar.  Duh!  I had eaten it anyway with Nutella and Speculoos toppings. 

waffles and subway

Mannekin Pis, Godiva Outlet Store, The Grand Place

The grand place (top picture) - a small place but delicately sculpted 15th century town square and became this modern day representation of Brussel's history.

Mannekin Pis (top left picture) - Peeing boy in English, is a fascinating little statue (I was dismayed to see a very small statue, I was expecting something else) that Brussels people celebrate many festivities with this bronze fountain.

The Belgian chocolates is to die for, they are probably anywhere you turn to.  You must be a saint if you are in Brussels and you haven't tried one.  I did not only try one but i tried most of it like the Leonidas, Guylian and Godiva.  

These are amazing designs of Belgian chocolates
My first dinner in Brussels: steak and the seafood soup of the day

Atomium - The World Expo of 1958 left behind a gigantic structure that shone in the spring sun in the shape of an atom.  It is a replica of an iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times.  If Paris has the Eiffel tower, Brussels has the atomium.

The Atomium
The International Expo Building 

The Mini Europe - is a miniature park located in Bruparck at the foot of the Atomium.  It has the reproductions of monuments in the European union on show.  The park contains live action models like train, mills, eruption of Mount Veuvius, Airbus, Cable cars etc.  The initial investment had cost them 10 million Euros in 1989.  The park allows tourists to sample the charms specific to each European countries.

Mini Europe
Representations of the different European countries
Mini Europe

Parc du Cinquantenaire - is not only a park but a national landmark in Brussels.  It was built in a shape of a pentagon, like the inner and outer rings of the City.
Park du Cinquantenaire

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."
 - Henry Miller

Basilica of the Sacred Heart - is a Roman Catholic and Parish Church in Brussels.  The Church was dedicated to the Sacred Heart inspired by the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur in Paris.  Its is quite a fascinating view seeing the Church on top of a hill right in front of a park.
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart

The most important thing is being able to thank God Almighty for the wonderful world to see and for giving me a chance to experience it.

I will never get tired of traveling as the old saying says: "The greatest REWARD and LUXURY of travel is to be able to EXPERIENCE everyday things as if for the FIRST time."

Watch our video on Brussels, Bruges and Amsterdam travel which is edited by my boyfie.  Enjoy! 

RiggiMia+Europe from Riggi Neis on Vimeo.

Brugges, Belgium for my next blog.


M xo



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


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