The Happiest Place on Earth - Hong Kong Disneyland

Finally, after a few hours of flight from Cebu and after knowing that flights are full to Dubai.  Where else can I be but to the happiest place on earth.

about to go to the Disneyland
The first time I was in Disney was with my son and seeing Disney once again made me miss him even more.  I will bring him again soon when everything is planned.

Now it's time for the Magical Kingdom - Hong Kong Disneyland

"Welcome to today.  Another day, another chance.  Feel free to change." - unknown
waiting for the train
inside the MTR

 You'll discover whimsical worlds of imagination, where enchanting stories from childhood and timeless settings come to life before your eyes.

Travel with someone whom you love.

It is the piped-in disney music that made me shiver while walking along the main street of Hong Kong Disneyland.  There is something more magical on those 20th century small-town replica buildings or simply the site of Sleeping Beauty's castle towering in the distance.  The place to be a "kid" once again.  Leave all your problems behind and enjoy.

It was exactly 1pm, the time for Disney's Flights of Fantasy Parade.  I was so excited to see all of the characters once again.  The sound of the kids laughing and shouting on the side is so heartwarming.  Disney parade is something you don't want to blink your eyes.  By the way, it was so nice to see Filipinos to be a part of the parade.  

The Fantasy Disney Parade did not disappoint, with it's vibrant colorful floats.  The graceful dancers and the energetic acrobatic performers.  

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen....

You will be able to have a snap with your favorite cartoon characters but you have to be patient with the queue.

My first time riding a carousel and it was one of the best experience.  No wonder why kids love it so much. 

The world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust. 

Getting hungry.  We decided to have something different this time instead of the usual burgers and fries.  We found a table at the corner and plonked ourselves down and savored it's relish noodles.

Think happy thoughts while in Disneyland. 

 It was Riggi's first time to be here and I know he had a blast.

Piglet:  How do you spell LOVE?

Pooh:  You don't spell it, you feel it. 

The most breathtaking view of the Sleeping Beauty Castle was when the fireworks started to burst out high above us.  It was an unbelievable sight that you thought you would only see on movies with Disney music as background.  It is indeed the magical moment for everyone. 

"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned.  Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in never never land."
 - Peter Pan

I hope to be back where dreams do come true - happiness.


M xo

Enjoy the vid that was edited by RIGGI.

Summer in Hong Kong from Riggi Neis on Vimeo.



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


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