Oh My Milan!

 Milan - is the last pit stop of our Italian invasion.

It is the second largest city and is financially the most important city in Italy.  If Rome represents the "old" Italy, Milan represents the "new" Italy.

This is the city's stunning Gothic Cathedral.  It took nearly six centuries to complete.  It is the fifth largest Cathedral in the world.

The Duomo di Milano

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - it is one of the world's oldest shopping malls.  The gallery is often nicknamed il salotto di Milano (Milan's drawing room), due to it's numerous shops and importance as a common Milanese meeting and dining place.

The Gallery Vittorio Emanuel

at the Piazza del Duomo

Piazza Del Duomo - is Milan's most beautiful square.  It is dominated by the magnificent front facade of the Duomo and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

Victor Emmanuel II statue was installed at the center of the Piazza del Duomo in honor of the first king in Italy (Vittorio Emanuel II).  An equestrian statue set on a marble pedestal shows the king leading his troops to battle, flanked on either side by a large lion.  Reliefs on the sides of the pedestal shows soldiers ready for combat.

statue of Victor Emmanuel II

At first sight, Milan looks like a bustling and relatively stylish metropolis, with a good number of grand palaces and fine churches anywhere.

the busy gallery

shopping area of Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II

at the back of the Duomo

While wandering the small streets at the side of the Cathedral, we stumbled across a large crowd huddled around a place looking like nothing special.  It just looks like a small ordinary bakery but it is one of the best secret of the city, Luini.  We followed the queue and we had to elbow our way through a throng of well-dressed patrons to purchase the house specialty.  It was a delightful and delicious panzerotti.

Luini is home to the panzerotti.  These are made with a secret dough family recipe that makes a really soft and fluffy bread that get the perfect outer crunch when fried.  It is surprisingly cheap in an expensive city starting from 2.30euros each.  This is a must try when visiting Milan.

We were in a hurry to finish the most important sites in Milan as we have to leave the following day.  Well, vacation leave is not that long and it is almost over.

San Carlos al Corso Church
Milan is different from all the other Italian cities we travelled.  It is a busy city compared to Rome, Florence, Pisa and Venice.  Despite the similarities between typical Italian cities, it does have a different atmosphere.  I felt like I was rushing in Milan (like Dubai) as people are always on the go.  Well, it was my observation and how I felt while discovering Italy.

The following day was such a rush.  We went to the church nearby our hostel as we promised to visit one every time we travel.  There was an Italian mass and it was nice hearing a different language during mass.

outside the Church

inside the church
It was Sunday and a fun day as some of the Italians gather and sell souvenirs in the streets and truth be told Italy closes on a Sunday.  Well, it is a family day after all for most of the Italians.

Before finishing this blog, I would like to share the hospitality of the owner of the hostel where we stayed. The hostel was a walking distance from Milan Central Train Station, so we decided to better walk than going to the metro. The owner really crossed the streets to meet us and helped us with our luggages. She was so nice and helpful.  The place was so easy to locate and is very near to metro stations and some famous landmarks in Milan.

Malpensa International Airport - going home (back to the sandpit) and vacation is over.

We had completed our Italian invasion – visited five Cities and enjoyed all of them a lot.

Here is a glimpse of our Italy video edited by my boyfriend: https://vimeo.com/74337974 or check below:

“In life, it is not where you go, it is who you are with.”


M xo



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


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