When life turns out at 3 Oh!

I will be turning thirty in a few hours time and for the first time I got worried!  I used to wonder why people always cover up their age when asked while I always proudly shout out my age.  Turning thirty is a different one.  Well, I felt so old now!  But then I know how to cook pasta while I just used to wait on the table while mom was cooking for me.  I now know how to stand on my decisions and live with it.  How was I suppose to feel then?

I felt this thirtieth birthday cliche: the semi tragic single lady has a meltdown about how old I am and this feeling of being a single mom and "imightdiealone."  Oh my!!  I don't want to.  

Kate Hudson in Something Borrowed:  "You're thitrty and you can't afford to be picky."  

I had an advance party last night as my birthday falls on my working day.  Before the night started, I was thinking do I have to prepare like the way I used to?  Yes, I did.

Off to Boracay Night Club in Dubai where Riggi planned to have the party.

me and my goldilocks hair

my 1st cake courtesy by the club and Riggi

my 2nd cake from Abegail

The club had a surprise "babe of the night" and they had to pick up 7 ladies to be a part of the game.  I was chosen as one.  Thanks to my friends for the shame! lol.  For thirty years in my life I had never experienced such competitions and I was totally ashamed.  I had to do the so called "cat walk" and unknowingly to all I was suffering of pain on my feet because of my 3 inches high heels.  I had to make an introduction on the microphone and gave an impromptu motto.  To sum it all up, I WON as the Boracay's babe of the night.  

my prize

me on a black and white

making fool out of myself. haha

my number 1 fan. nagpapicture jud c dodong!

Thanks to all my friends and Riggi's friends who came and celebrated my thirtieth with me.

I had an enjoyable birthday.  Thanks to you all.  Thanks darling!  I really want you to know everything is appreciated and it was more wonderful for I was sharing it with you.  

On the other hand.  It is terrifying living up on my thirtieth.  It gets hard to tune all those overblown negativity on my mind.  When I was a kid, I used to daydream about my debut when I would reach the age of 18.  My parents gave me a big debut party and it never occurred in my mind thinking how it would be when I would reach this much.  Whew!  I'm being so dramatic here.  I need to remind myself that it is just a number.  Positive side:  After reaching this age, I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin than I have in awhile.  Some of the things that came along of being older is the little surprises that came in my life and I am still looking forward for more of these.  I have learned to see negativity as a way of learning.  Setting it all aside and just stick on my same rule:  Walk up high and be yourself and everything will fall into places soon.  That's what I am asking my hero God all the time.

I have a son and I am proud, that made me a complete woman at my age.  3 Oh it seems.

Live life and stay happy!


M xo



This is a personal blog.  The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

In addition, my opinions may change from time to time.  I consider this an open-minded consequence of my thoughts and personal views.  This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point at the time being and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed may vary in the near future. 


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